Earthsea Wiki

Otaks are creatures that exist only in the world of Earthsea.


An interpretation of an Otak by an unknown source. It may look too feline to be a creature from Earthsea, but a good interpretation non the less.

It is said that the rare creature eats only mice and small insects, and in appearance is small and furry. Ged himself has a familiar Otak when on Roke. They are thought to be little, aggresive pets with bad tempers. It was an unusual occurance for Ged's Otak to trust him, because wild Otaks tend not to stay around humans, but avoid them. Because of the rarity of these little creatures, they are only known to inhabit four islands in the Earthsea Archipelago. Those islands are Roke, Ensmer, Pody and Wathort.

Because the creatures named Otaks are relatively small, they can easily be caught and overpowered. They are not usually known as human, or wizard, lovers, but it is also unknown whether they are caught and eaten by them too. If one was to guess, they could be prey to dragons, but it is unlikely because of their small size.
